Green light for scientific cannabis pilot projects in Germany
Die Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) wird die zuständige Behörde, um Forschungsanträge im Bereich Konsumcannabis und Nutzhanf zu prüfen und die Forschungsprojekte zu begleiten. Das regelt eine Verordnung, die der Bundesminister für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, Cem Özdemir, am Dienstag unterzeichnet hat. Das teilt das BMEL soeben in einer entsprechende Pressemitteilung mit. Wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen und Unternehmen können nach […]
Germany’s Medical Cannabis Imports Grow 70% in Q3: Over 30 Tonnes Imported in 6 Months
Germany’s Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) has published the medical cannabis import figures for Q3, showing that the country’s medical cannabis market is still growing rapidly. Since April 01, 2024, and the implementation of CanG and MedCanG, cannabis has no longer been considered a ‘narcotic’ substance in Germany, making the process of […]
Poland Restricts Telemedicine: Medical Cannabis Prescriptions Now In-Person Only
Już w lipcu informowaliśmy o planach Ministerstwa Zdrowia dotyczących zakazu wystawiania recept na medyczną marihuanę online, w artykule „Możliwe ograniczenia w teleporadach lekarskich”. Jak wynika z publikacji Gazety Prawnej, medyczna marihuana znajdzie się na liście substancji, które lekarz przepisze tylko po osobistym zbadaniu pacjenta. Więcej: Receptomat nie sprzeda marihuany. Lekarz będzie musiał zbadać pacjenta W […]
Legalization Failed in Florida despite Trump Endorsement and Majority Support
Spain Introduces Draft Royal Decree To Regulate Medical Cannabis
MADRID, SPAIN – 2016/05/07: People celebrating the Global Marijuana March demanding regulation for … [+] Marijuana. (Photo by Marcos del Mazo/LightRocket via Getty Images) LightRocket via Getty ImagesSpanish patients could soon have access to medical cannabis as regulators push forward with a new bill. However, its use is expected to be strictly limited to specific […]
Trump & Harris Agree That Cannabis Should Be Legal, But it is Unclear What Each Would Do
Opinion Hell YES! – President Trump says he’s in favor of legalizing marijuana. — Melissa Hallman (@dotconnectinga) August 31, 2024 After former President Donald Trump endorsed a Florida ballot initiative that would legalize recreational marijuana in that state, Vice President Kamala Harris accused her Republican opponent of flip-flopping on the issue. Yet Harris herself […]
Adult-Use Sales Start in Ohio: 98 Dispensaries Open to the Public August 6
August 6th, 2024 will go down in Ohio history as the first day citizens could legally buy cannabis at state dispensaries. Across the state, 98 MMJ dispensaries received their dual certificates of operation, allowing them to open doors and serve customers for the first time. First day of sales: Crowd Control In Cincinnati, The Forest […]
Thailand to legislate medical cannabis, signals no re-criminalising
BANGKOK, July 23 — Thailand will work towards legislating marijuana for medical use, a deputy prime minister said today, signalling a U-turn on plans to re-criminalise the plant and another change in the government’s hazy position on cannabis. Thailand in 2022 became one of the first countries in Asia to decriminalise marijuana, doing so without […]
G-BA: German specialist doctors allowed to prescribe medical cannabis without health insurance approval
/nokturnal, Berlin – Ärzte mit einer von 16 Facharzt- sowie Schwerpunktbezeichnungen oder einer von fünf Zusatzbezeichnungen dürfen künftig Cannabisprodukte verordnen, ohne dass die entsprechende Krankenkasse die Verordnung für ihren Patienten genehmigen muss. Es entfällt also der sogenannte Genehmigungsvorbehalt. Die entsprechende Liste der Facharzt-, Schwerpunkt- und Zusatzbezeichnungen hat der Gemeinsame Bundesausschuss (G-BA) heute beschlossen. Bei […]
Preliminary decision: Israel to impose tariffs on Canadian cannabis imports